Revelation 12 Sign 2018 Happens Again

Let's take a await at the bear witness.

Recently at Answers in Genesis, we have begun to get inquiries nearly a supposed event of great prophetic significance on September 23 of this year. Many videos on the Net are promoting this. On this engagement, the lord's day will exist in the constellation Virgo (the virgin), along with the moon near Virgo'due south feet. Additionally, Jupiter volition be in Virgo, while the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury will exist to a higher place and to the right of Virgo in the constellation Leo. Some people claim that this is a very rare event (allegedly merely once in vii,000 years) and that it supposedly is a fulfillment of a sign in Revelation 12. Revelation 12:1–2 (ESV) reads:

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the lord's day, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was significant and was crying out in nascency pains and the agony of giving nascency.

So we have hither a woman (Virgo) in the sky (heaven), forth with the sun, and the moon at her feet. What about the 12 stars? About all the websites promoting this prophetic sign state that there are nine stars in Leo, merely with the addition of the iii planets (which appear as bright stars), there are 12 stars. Since Leo is to the upper right of Virgo'southward head, 1 might see this as a crown of 12 stars, though these 12 stars volition be far above Virgo'south caput. Many of the videos that discuss this take diverse embellishments, such as tying this event to the supposed rogue planet Nibiru or the tetrad of total lunar eclipses in 2014–2015. I've previously written near these other two subjects and institute them wanting, so we ought to be wary about this one likewise. Let u.s. examine the claims.

Dr. Danny Faulkner answers the question, "What will happen on September 23, 2017?" from the Johnson Observatory at the Creation Museum.

Astronomy Pocket Guide: What is the biblical perspective? Become your Costless astronomy ebook to learn more than virtually God'south created universe!

Exam of the Claims

Offset, at that place is nothing specially unusual well-nigh the sun appearing in the constellation Virgo. As nosotros orbit the sun each twelvemonth, the lord's day appears to move through the 12 constellations of the zodiac, spending almost a calendar month in each one. The month that the sun appears in Virgo is effectually the time of the autumnal equinox, from mid-September through late October. Nor is it unusual to notice the moon near the feet of Virgo. The moon takes 27 ane/iii days to orbit the earth with respect to the stars. Therefore, for a day or two each month, the moon appears near the feet of Virgo. (I keep mentioning the feet of Virgo. Although I am very familiar with Virgo, I have never been able to see a woman in the sky there, so I tin can hardly pick out what is supposed to be her feet, and I seriously doubt anyone else can either.) Therefore, for a day or 2 each September or October, the sun appears in Virgo with the moon at her feet, so this is not that remarkable.

This year'due south event has attracted much more attention than previously, and then why is this year so dissimilar?

It was more than fifteen years agone that I first heard the suggestion that this almanac event might be a fulfillment of Revelation 12 in some particular year. Since then, interest in this idea has increased, with some people speculating or even predicting that "this is the year," just to forget about it when nil meaning transpired before moving on to the adjacent year's occurrence. However, this year's event has attracted much more than attention than previously, so why is this year so dissimilar? One possibility is the improver of Jupiter to the mix. Some people claim that this year Jupiter volition be near what is supposed to be the womb of Virgo, so it represents the kid that the adult female is about to give birth to. Jupiter takes most 12 years to orbit the sun, so this is the flow with which Jupiter moves through the zodiacal constellations, spending about a year in each one. In fact, I first saw Jupiter when it was shut to Virgo in 1969—I take watched Jupiter pass through 4 complete orbits since. This ways that Jupiter appears in the part of Virgo corresponding to her womb, along with the sun in Virgo and the moon at her feet for a day or two every 12 years or and so. The last fourth dimension this happened was in 2005, so why was that issue not heralded for its prophetic significance? I suspect that it is because YouTube was very new then, having started in February of that twelvemonth. This year, with the huge popularity of YouTube, it is much easier to propagate these ideas.

Another factor is the addition of the three naked-eye planets in Leo, above the head of Virgo. The videos promoting this supposed sign claim that the constellation Leo has ix stars, so the improver of these three "wandering stars" brings the total number of stars in Leo, above the head of Virgo, to 12, with the 12 stars forming the crown of the woman in the sky, according to Revelation 12:ane. Except that Leo has more than than nine stars. Where did the people touting this supposed fulfillment of prophecy get the idea that Leo has nine stars? Every presentation of the September 23 event that I have seen has used the popular Stellarium software package to illustrate the events of September 23. Sure plenty, the lines connecting the stars of Leo into an outline of a lion include 9 stars. Even so, even the Stellarium display shows other stars in Leo that are not connected by the lines. And different depictions of Leo connect different numbers of stars. For instance, the monthly star chart in the April 2017 upshot of Heaven and Telescope magazine (pp. 42–43) connects thirteen stars with lines. The star chart at this website connects ten stars. None of these charts connect a line to Omicron Leonis, the star that forms the front paws of Leo. When showing Leo to people, I always indicate out this star marker Leo'due south paw. By the way, the Digistar-five software in the Stargazers Planetarium at the Cosmos Museum connects x stars in Leo, including Omicron Leonis.

Since the claim that Leo has nine stars is false, the exclamation that the addition of the three planets brings the total number of stars in Leo to 12 is false likewise. And how rare is this occurrence, to have these additional three planets in Leo at the same time that Jupiter is in Virgo? It isn't that common, but it certainly has happened many times over the by 6,000 years, so the claim that this unusual event is then rare is imitation too. And how practise we know that Jupiter must represent the child? There is no evidence for that either. Instead, this is a mere exclamation that someone made, with many others repeating the claim. Based upon Revelation 12:5, about commentators think that the child was Jesus. Some promoters of this supposed sign claim that the Hebrews associated Jupiter with the Messiah. Once again, this is a conjectural exclamation non supported by whatever facts. These sorts of claims corporeality to Rorschach tests—people tend to meet in them what they want to see.


So, what will happen on September 23, 2017? Probably nix unusual.

I have identified several problems with the supposed sign of September 23, 2017. Withal, there are other, broader problems with information technology. One of the purposes that God ordained for the stars is for them to be signs (Genesis one:14). Withal, to truly be a sign, shouldn't such things be obvious, at least to a few people? Since the sunday will be in Virgo at the time, well-nigh none of Virgo's stars will be visible. The three planets in Leo will exist visible in the early morning time that solar day, but all will be depression in the southeastern sky. Venus is very bright, so information technology will exist relatively easy to spot; all the same, Mars and Mercury will non exist, because they will be much fainter, and they won't rise until nearly the time morn twilight begins. The thin crescent moon will exist visible in the evening sky, low in the southwest. Jupiter may be visible lower in the southwest, though it will be hard, since it will prepare before evening twilight ends. That is, not all of this "sign" volition be visible, and those parts that volition be visible won't exist visible at the same time. While this event may bear witness up nicely on a figurer screen, God set the lights in the "firmament of heaven" (not on computer screens) to be for signs.

Instead of setting dates, we ought to be ready for His return at any moment. Are you ready?

What sort of prophetic result is this sign supposed to conductor in? Conspicuously, most people promoting this have in mind the Lord's render. Some explicitly country this, but others, mindful of the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:36, are hesitant to brand that merits, though their implication is clear enough. These sorts of claims or intimations have been made many times earlier. For instance, the four lunar eclipses during 2014–2015 caused many people to anticipate the Lord's return then, only of form this did not happen. I suspect that the same will exist truthful on September 23 this year. People who get excited most supposed signs miss the point that Jesus made (Matthew 24:36–51). Instead of setting dates, we ought to be ready for His render at whatever moment. Are yous prepare?


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