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Donda Quotes

ane . When y'all from the lesser and you workin' hard, Just to get the acme, and then they gotta respect it. -Kanye Due west, "Off The Grid"

Best Donda Quotes

It doesn't matter what your groundwork is. As long as you work difficult to go far to the superlative, without taking any needless, dishonest shortcuts, y'all tin can gain respect. Respect comes with honesty and hard piece of work.

two . If yous got a voice, then you gotta projection it, If you got a wrong, and so you gotta correct it, If you got a proper noun, and then you gotta protect information technology. -Kanye W, "Off The Grid"

Best Donda Quotes

You cannot stay silent all the time. You lot have a voice and if yous accept something to say, you need to stand upwards and say it. If you lot've washed something wrong, you have a duty to go far right. And most of all, you should never back downwardly and stay silent as people stomp over you.

iii . Had to motility abroad from people that'south miserable. -Kanye W, "Off The Filigree"

Best Donda Quotes

You cannot stay with people who make your life miserable. Your life will modify for the better the moment you make a conscious decision to non connect with toxic people.

4 . I don't go also friendly with the enemy. -Kanye West, "Off The Grid"

Best Donda Quotes

Know your identify and know who to trust. They say "Go along your friends close and your enemies closer." But in the process, do not forget who to continue your distance and not get too close to them. They'll leech onto you and use you the moment they find an opportunity. Brand sure to not give them that opening.

5 . Okay, okay, Devil's talkin' to me, affections'south talkin' to me, But Angels start to tell me, "Information technology'southward okay to not feel okay". -Kanye W, "God Breathed"

Best Donda Quotes

We all accept the duality of good and bad raging a war within usa. It's perfectly fine to not feel okay all the fourth dimension. Fifty-fifty if the demons within you lot try to take you lot downwards, allow the goodness within y'all fight dorsum and conquer the bad.

half-dozen . Everybody so judgemental, Everybody hurts, simply I don't guess rentals. -Kanye West, "Hurricane"

Best Donda Quotes

People will e'er judge you no matter what. The world is such that there volition always exist someone to talk backside your back. Yes, it hurts. Merely these are only temporary people. Allow them exercise the talking while you lot focus on yourself and your goals. Y'all don't take to stoop equally low as them and exercise to them what they do to you. Shrug it off and move on.

seven . Even if you are non ready for the day, it cannot always be night. -Kanye West, "Praise God"

Best Donda Quotes

It's inevitable that the night will laissez passer and dawn volition interruption. No affair how dark the path may seem, at that place's e'er a brilliant 24-hour interval waiting ahead for yous. Simply concur on till the sun

8 . And information technology's non fair that I had to fight 'em all on my ain, Like who'due south here when I need a shoulder to lean on? -Kanye Westward, "Jonah"

Best Donda Quotes

The truth of life is that in that location won't e'er be people who you can lean on. Near people will leave you at the beginning sight of struggle. Sometimes, y'all have to fight your battles on your own.

nine . Yep, know you're live and God's not finished. -Kanye West , "24"

Best Donda Quotes

No matter how bad life may become, if you are live and breathing, then there's always a risk for you. As long as you are breathing, have faith in God and remember that he always has something meliorate in store for you. Just hang on till information technology gets ameliorate.

x . Children growing, women producing, Men become piece of work and some get stealing, Everyone's got to brand a living. -Kanye West, "Heaven And Hell"

Best Donda Quotes

Life isn't always easy for anybody. Some people have to struggle a lot in life. While some have it easy and get to make information technology in life, some do not. Not everyone chooses the criminal offense life but for the sake of it. It'south by and large circumstances which force them down that hellhole.

11 . And to all of yous, I thank you and then much for your support, For your support of me for and then many years. -Kanye West, "Donda"

Best Donda Quotes

Every star is what they are only considering of the back up and love that they get from their fans. Kanye has a huge fanbase who's always at that place to lift him upwardly and requite him the strength that he needs. He is what he is because of the fans that dearest him.

12 . Human, it's hard to be an angel when yous surrounded by demons. -Kanye West, "Jesus Lord"

Best Donda Quotes

Sometimes, when yous are surrounded by people who try to bring y'all downwards, it's actually tough to non stoop to their level. Never lose sight of your morals. Even if they endeavor to injure you, you exercise not have to injure them back. Remember, y'all are better than them.

thirteen . Life change when you famous, I remember, back before the bondage, we was nameless. -Kanye West, "Tell The Vision"

Best Donda Quotes

Fame changes your life in uncertain ways. Once you are in the limelight, all your moves, every word you say, every place yous go will be monitored. Yous go from someone living in the shadows to being the centre of attending in the blink of an eye. It tin go unnecessarily stressful and take a mental toll on you.

xiv . Back again, I used my back against the wall, Never chosen on y'all, never count on y'all, I'll always count on God. -Kanye W, "No Child Left Behind"

Best Donda Quotes

You practice not take to rely on those who do not care for you. Allow them leave if that'due south what they want. Even if the road ahead is total of fire and thorns, you should never be afraid to walk alone.

14 Best Quotes From Kanye West'southward Latest Anthology Donda

1. When you lot from the bottom and yous workin' hard, Just to become the acme, and then they gotta respect information technology. -Kanye West, "Off The Grid"

2. If you got a voice, and then y'all gotta project it, If you got a wrong, and so y'all gotta correct it, If y'all got a name, then you gotta protect it. -Kanye West, "Off The Filigree"

3. Had to move away from people that'southward miserable. -Kanye West, "Off The Grid"

iv. I don't get too friendly with the enemy. -Kanye Westward, "Off The Grid"

v. Okay, okay, Devil'southward talkin' to me, affections's talkin' to me, But Angels start to tell me, "It's okay to not feel okay". -Kanye West, "God Breathed"

6. Everybody and then judgemental, Everybody hurts, but I don't approximate rentals. -Kanye Westward, "Hurricane"

vii. Fifty-fifty if yous are not ready for the twenty-four hour period, it cannot always exist night. -Kanye W, "Praise God"

8. And information technology's not off-white that I had to fight 'em all on my ain, Like who'southward hither when I demand a shoulder to lean on? -Kanye West, "Jonah"

nine. Yeah, know you're live and God'due south not finished. -Kanye West , "24"

10. Children growing, women producing, Men go work and some go stealing, Everyone's got to make a living. -Kanye West, "Sky And Hell"

11. And to all of yous, I thanks then much for your support, For your back up of me for so many years. -Kanye Westward, "Donda"

12. Man, it'southward difficult to be an affections when you surrounded past demons. -Kanye West, "Jesus Lord"

13. Life change when you lot famous, I think, dorsum before the bondage, nosotros was nameless. -Kanye W, "Tell The Vision"

fourteen. Back again, I used my back against the wall, Never called on y'all, never count on y'all, I'll ever count on God. -Kanye West, "No Kid Left Behind"


Source: https://www.epicquotes.com/14-best-quotes-from-kanye-wests-latest-album-donda/

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